LandmarkCreating plant styles from the plant catalog


Workspace: Path

Create Plant Style from Catalog

Design Suite: AEC > Plants

Landmark: Landmark

Individual plant styles can use data from plant catalogs as described in Accessing the plant catalogs. It would be tedious to create many plant styles based on data one by one; therefore, plant catalog data can be used to automatically create plant styles.

To create one or more plant styles based on plant catalog data:

Select the command.

The Create Plant Style from Catalog dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Plant Catalog

Select the plant catalog that contains the desired plants


Opens the Select Plant Data dialog box, to edit the selected plant catalog as described in Accessing the plant catalogs; when finished, click OK to return to the Create Plant Style from Catalog dialog box

Use filter

Displays the list of plants using the specified filter


Opens the Plant Filter dialog box. Specify how to filter the list of plants to see only the ones of interest.

Select the available filter parameters for each row of choices, and then select the comparison operator and the value. The operators support ranges, using the |_| delimiter; if a plant data value is defined as a range, and a value entered with the = operator is within the range, the plant is found. Using < with a value finds the lower range value, and > finds the upper range value.

Select existing to choose from a list that is derived from the plants in the catalog, or select custom to enter a value.

The "like" operator, for text, can use the * symbol to represent any set of characters, and the ? to represent any single character.

Specify additional options, adding a new row of filter choices by clicking More Choices. To remove the most recently added row, click Fewer Choices.

Mark the Plants to create Plant Styles from

Lists the plants contained in the selected plant catalog; click in the Use column to create a plant style based on the plant

Selected Plant Style Options

Specifies the basic plant style options to be set for the currently selected plant; these can be changed after the styles have been created, but is a convenient way of establishing most of the settings

More Plant Style Settings

Opens the New Plant Style Settings dialog box, to set additional advanced plant style options for the selected plant

Select the plant or plants to be used as the basis of the new plant styles by clicking in the Use column. A check mark indicates that the plant will be used to create a plant style.

Select each plant and set any plant style options that will apply to the style that is created. Basic options are available from the dialog box; click More Plant Style Settings to set less common plant style options. All of the plant data from the selected plants are, of course, added to the plant style automatically.

Click OK to create a plant style based on each selected plant. The plant styles are added to the file and can be selected from the Resource Manager.

Creating plant styles

Using plant catalogs


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